News & Announcements
Longhorn Academy and Early Graduation
Virtual Academy is transitioning to Longhorn Academy where students can catch up on their credits in our CTE computer lab. This is also where we will be preparing our seniors looking to graduate early.
Click HERE for more information.
Johnson County School System Family Resource Center
Serving families of the Johnson County School District
Mission Statement: Tennessee Family Resource Centers unlock potential.
Vision Statement: TN FRC’s unlock the potential by serving as a resource and support hub. FRC’s proactively engage with their community to empower students and families, bridging gaps to ensure they evolve together through connected systems of support unique to each community
Who is Served by the FRC?
All Johnson County School System students and their families can benefit from FRC services.
What does the Family Resource Center Do?
The FRC works in solidarity with the community to meet the needs of our students and families. We offer basic necessities to families, as well as, provide resources, referral resources, and support. It is our commitment to families that we will adhere to high ethical standards and will work hard to break down the barriers that your family may be facing.
The FRC works with students and families to meet needs that affect the learning process in the classroom. This is done by including services in schools, linking families to agencies in the community, providing toiletries, household cleaning items, school supplies, food, and much more.
Family Self-Referral:
We understand that circumstances can present challenges and obstacles for families. To assist students and their families with their needs, a self-referral form can be completed online by following these instructions:
1. Go to jocoed.net
2. Click on Menu
3. Click on Virtual FRC
4. Click on Family Support Services Form
5. Complete and submit the form
6. You will be contacted by the FRC Director or the social worker in order to address any further assistance that may be needed. If you are not contacted within 48 hours please call Keesha Rhudy.
Contact Information: Keesha Rhudy
Johnson County School System
Family Resource Center
211 North Church Street
Mountain City, TN 37683
Used with permission from Attendance Works